/** Kotak Iklan **/ .kotak_iklan {text-align: center;} .kotak_iklan img {margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;padding: 5px;text-align: center;border: 1px solid #ddd;} .kotak_iklan img:hover {border: 1px solid #333} / ** Kotak Iklan **/ .kotak_iklan {text-align: center;} .kotak_iklan img {margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;padding: 5px;text-align: center;border: 1px solid #ddd;} .kotak_iklan img:hover {border: 1px solid #333}

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Cara Dapatkan Script Code Iklan Google Adsense

Iklan Google Adsense
Cara Dapatkan Script Code Iklan Google Adsense - Sebahagian dari pada kita memang tips yang saya tuliskan ini terlalu mudah dan gampang..., bahkan ada yang berpikir bahwa cara ini tidak perlu di tuliskan dan di jadikan sebuah artikel, namun di lain waktu saya pernah di tanyakan oleh salah satu pengunjung blog saya tentang cara mendapatkan kode iklan nya, namun saya katakan bagaimana saya menjelaskan sementara artikel yang mau saya paparkan belum ada, dengan perasaan kecewa, mungkin.

Sebelumnya saya pernah menulisakan tentang Tutorial Approve Akun Google Adsense Youtube dan pada kesempatan ini saya menuliskan lagi yang masih berkaitan dengan Google Adsense bagiaman mendapatkan kode scriptnya, berikut caranya :
  1. Login ke Akun Adsen Anda : Login Adsense 
  2. Klik Pada yang bertuliskan "Iklan Sayahttp://asteric-gt.blogspot.com/
  3. Kmudian Klik Pada Button "Unit Iklan Baru".

  4. Di tahap ini anda isikan nam iklan anda dan model nya.

  5. Klik "Simpan" jika anda tidak berniat dulu untuk memasang iklan di blogsite atau "Simpan dan Dapatkan Kode" bila ingin langsung memasang nya.
  6. Selesai...!
Terimakasih telah berkunjung.

How to Make Your Own Chat Application

Welcome, Bloggers.
On this page, we will explain how to make a simple chat application using Visual Basic.

First step, open the Visual Basic application. The following window will appear:
In this window, please select the icon "Standard EXE" and click "Open". Window will appear as follows:

Furthermore, the components we need are:

[+] Label
[+] Command Button

[+] Textbox

[+] Winsock

Did not find Winsock component?
Yes, these components are not available directly as the three components above. So we need the addition of a component by selecting Project -> Components on the menu bar. The following window will appear:

In this window, find the component named Microsoft Winsock Control 6.0. check on the left. Click Apply and OK. Winsock component will then appear on the main page.
Furthermore, the component is ready. Then we will start from the zoom.
Please create a screen similar to the following:

  The following window:
Display above has 4 Label component, component 5 Command Button, Textbox component 5, and 2 Winsock components.

For simplicity, please change the name (name) of each component. The name can be changed by clicking on the component and the properties window will appear on the line (name).
if the display is completed , the next section we finish the program listing .
Listing of the following programs :

Private Sub Connect_Click ( )
end Sub
Private Sub Send_Click ( )
Winsock_client.SendData Winsock_server.LocalHostName & " : " & Text4.Text
Text5.Text = Text5.Text & vbCrLf & Text4.Text
end Sub
Private Sub Disconnect_Click ( )
Label6.Caption = " Disconnected "
Text1.Visible = True
Text2.Visible = True
end Sub
Private Sub Test_Click ( )
Winsock_server.LocalPort = Text3.Text
end Sub
Private Sub OK_Click ( )
Winsock_client.RemoteHost = Text1.Text
Winsock_client.RemotePort = Text2.Text
end Sub
Private Sub Text1_gotfocus ( )
Text1.Text = " "
end Sub
Private Sub Text2_gotfocus ( )
Text2.Text = " "
end Sub
Private Sub Text4_Click ( )
Text4.Text = " "
end Sub
Private Sub Winsock_client_Connect ( )
Status.Caption = " Status : Connected"
end Sub
Private Sub winsock_server_ConnectionRequest ( ByVal requestID As Long )
Winsock_server.Accept requestID
end Sub
Private Sub winsock_server_DataArrival ( ByVal bytesTotal As Long )
As String Dim chat
Winsock_server.GetData chat
Text5.Text = Winsock_server.LocalHostName & " : " & vbCrLf & Text5.Text & chat
end Sub
Display finished , completed listings . Next run the program .
Good luck .